NEWS 2018-05
Nev video on youtube: RICHTER CONTROL VVT + CORT JB
Nev video on youtube: Fender + AERO TYPE-3 pickup + RICHTER VBT
Datenschutzerklaerung gemaess DSGVO

NEWS 2016-11
We support a young german start-up company for electric mobility named SONO MOTORS and invite you to this mission ... [read more]

NEWS 2016-10
New onboard headphone amplifier HA-1 now available

NEWS 2015-01
We started the manufacture of the new StepAbout.
The new edition comes with a new housing and a revised circuit design.
For effective noise suppression it is equipped with a precision filter module in the power supply section on the main PCB.
Check out the news at and

NEWS 2014-10
Have a look on YouTube: the replacement of a defect Fender (TM) Preamp to a new Richter BassXX 3BP Preamp, illustrated by Zsolt Váradi. Listen to the amazing soundfiles.

NEWS 2014-08
Richter-EE electronic parts and modules now available in the Bassparts Shop of the german luthier BassLine

NEWS 2014
New Custom Project finished - have a look at:

NEWS 2011
We would like to meet you at Musikmesse Frankfurt 6th to 9th of April 2011, Hall 4.0, Booth C63

NEWS 12.05.2010
The new MX1 and MX2 mixing preamp is now available!
Please ask for pricing - contact Richter Electronic Engineering.

NEWS 15.01.2010
JB passive control plate now available!
Please ask for pricing - contact Richter Electronic Engineering.

NEWS 05.01.2010
Greg Howard, Chapman Stick player from Charlottesville Virginia, finished a new video (hifi sound!) in which he shows all features and capabilities of the two-channel preamp and routing device StepAbout, which we developed and manufacture exclusively for BassLab and Stick Enterprises.
StepAbout available from BassLab - (Europe) and Stick Enterprises - (outside Europe).